Can teams who did not finish their submissions still participate in an RPE?
Teams who were marked as “incomplete” (meaning they haven't completed their submission) can have the opportunity to present their app ideas to judges and receive feedback. However, their submissions will not be eligible for scoring.
Can students pitch virtually?
In some cases, students can pitch virtually at an RPE. The team is responsible for coordinating with the Chapter Ambassador.
Can students pitch in their own language to judges at an RPE?
Yes, students can pitch in their own language, but all submission components must be in English on the platform (or captioned in English).
If students are chosen as one of the finalist teams, they will have to pitch in English to the judges.
Can a mentor be a judge at an RPE?
Any mentor who supported a local team cannot act as a judge at a live event. The only exception is if a person signed up as a mentor but did not end up working with a team.
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