Each student or mentor who would like to participate must register.
Steps to register:
- Go to https://my.technovationchallenge.org/#/ and select your role
- Complete the steps as prompted - you will need to provide a valid email account. If you are part of the Beginner Division, you will need a parent to create the account for you.
- This will take you to your dashboard. There, you will have a list of items to get done before you can join a team as either a student or a mentor.
- For an overview of how to use the platform, refer to the video below:
Student and Mentor dashboards look a bit different!
Example Student Dashboard:
Example Mentor Dashboard:
1 comment
I have a daughter who will be 7years in October. She already started learning programming on code.org, she has great passion for programming. Is there any of your programmes she can enrol for now?
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